Saturday, February 15, 2014

Ragamuffin Gospel

1 John 4:19 "We love because He first loved us."

My heart was full with the message that spoke through the "Ragamuffin" movie about the life of Rich Mullins Thursday night. I couldn't shake it. Still can't. God is a wild man, and He loves us with a passionate force we cannot comprehend. He's knocked out about us, as Rich said. All day Valentine's I couldn't get over the deep, deep love of my God for me, for you. The One who is Love.

This song, written and performed by Rich Mullins, is one that frequently rolls through my mind when I feel compelled to pray in song to God. But I had not heard all the words in a number of years, and I am struck by the depth of the beautiful message enveloped in these lyrics. This song is for you. Savor the message Rich shares before he sings. God gently draws you into His loving, eternal embrace.

"Step by Step" Rich Mullins

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