Monday, February 10, 2014

IF LifeBridge

"Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely,and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us." Hebrews 12:1

Manna..."what is it?"  That's what the children of God called the strange flakes falling from the sky, bread to be collected and eaten. That's what we called IF..."what is it?"...because no one really new where God was taking this or what He would do with it and what exactly was going to happen at this women's event. But manna is exactly what it was, the bread of heaven given to us.

These words hit me with quite an impact over a month ago, but even more so after this weekend gathering.

"Yet He commanded the skies above 
and opened the doors of heaven,
and He rained down on them manna to eat
and gave them the grain of heaven.
Man ate of the bread of angels;
He sent them food in abundance." Psalm 78:23-25

Manna.  These verses and the message I heard from God led me to choose the web address for this blog a month ago. It was a step of obedience, because I didn't really want to put myself out there. Dwell was the one word I knew Jesus wanted me to focus on this year. Dwell in His Presence. Dwell in His will. Dwell in His loving protection. Dwell even when it is hard. 

But never in my wildest dreams was He going to so powerfully pull the words Manna and Dwell together in this conference. Shelly Giglio talked about building our nests to dwell by God's altar while we build for Him (Psalm 84:3), being door holders to His Presence (Ps. 84:10). Ann Voskamp spoke about the Eucharist of bread and wine, and Jesus giving thanks as He "desired with desire" to share this manna with them before His death on the cross. Tara Jenkins spoke of the manna...the "what is it"...that God was providing for us and is calling us to in faithful obedience. And I could go on and on. What a power-packed weekend of Esthers willing to say "yes" to what God had asked of them to equip and encourage our generation to take the baton and run our race for God's glory and the building of His kingdom.

So, are you ready for the "what is it?" Are you ready to be fed manna from heaven as you follow your Savior into His calling on your life? Are you willing to say "yes" to one step of obedience at a time, not knowing where God will lead, but being confident that He will lead?

We are surrounded, not only by a great cloud of witnesses that have gone on before us, but by one another. Most importantly, we dwell in the Presence of Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith. True manna. The Bread of Life. What a feast! Ladies, I desire with desire to say "yes" with you!

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