Thursday, January 1, 2015

A Fresh Start

"God, make a fresh start in me..." Psalm 51:10 The Msg

Soul-training Day 1

For Christmas, I asked Michael for The Message Bible, and I asked Caleb for a new journal (my IF journal just hit the last page). My men are good to me. I got both. :)

But my Abba is the best! This morning He took me through my new Bible, starting with Psalms 103, 66, and 51.  Then He told me to begin at the beginning--start in the Old Testament with Genesis and read through this new version afresh. Start in the New Testament with John for more new beginnings.

Wanna see what I saw?

"First this: GOD..." (Gen. 1:1)
Then He made man "reflecting God's nature..." (Gen. 1:27)

"The Word was first..." (John 1:1)
Man "He made to be their true selves, their child-of-God selves." (John 1:12)

The good and beautiful story!!!

Next it was Dietrich Bonhoeffer's turn, from his New Year's message in 1943:
"Only God can make a new beginning with people whenever God pleases, but not people with God. Therefore, people cannot make a new beginning at all; they can only pray for one."
God is in the Manger

"So if anyone is in Christ, there is a new creation: everything old has passed away; see, everything has become new!" 2 Corinthians 5:17

And because of this video I happened to watch today, I now plan to memorize Colossians 3 this year and finally dig into The Divine Conspiracy by Dallas Willard. (the video is our author James Bryan Smith)

So you, my precious soul sisters, are my community to hold me accountable.  God has asked me to read through the Message Bible, memorize Colossians 3, and focus on one spiritual discipline a month (since there are twelve).  This month's focus will be simplicity.

Oh how I love my Abba.  My Abba is so very fond of me!

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