Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Fun in the kitchen!

Ok, yesterday was just downright fun and productive. I love Michael's day off when we get to finally Sabbath together as a family. Today I made kale chips and brussel sprout chips in the dehydrator (yum), Michael and I made LARD (yes, you read that correctly) for the very first time, and he found a good deal on lamb at Sprouts, so...I got to have extra fun in the kitchen with some Nom Nom Paleo recipes!  I combined three different recipes to get the final dish above, in order to use what we had on hand. What an amazingly delicious dinner for our "at home date night!"

Lamb shawarma (I used full-fat coconut milk instead of Greek yogurt to keep it dairy-free; didn't have tahini for the sauce so I used toasted sesame seed oil instead...not good for cooking, but a great finisher!)

Roasted carrots and roasted brussel sprouts (I combined these two recipes for more variety, but withheld the bacon...which was amazing considering how often I cook with it these days!) ...and, I used our freshly made lard for the cooking fat!

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